Mastering the Art of Burnishing with Colored Pencils
Let’s dive into the art of burnishing with colored pencils, revealing the tips, tricks, and techniques that will take your artwork to the next level.
Essential Beginner Colored Pencil Supplies
This essential supply list will help you to start creating beautiful colored pencil pieces without all the fuss.
The Time-Saving Secrets of Successful Artists
Time seems to melt away like the clocks in this Salvador Dali painting, “The Persistence of Memory”. Successful artists know how to harness time and focus on their art. Here’s how.
5 Colored Pencil Paper Types Explained
Figuring out which type of paper to use when using colored pencils can be confusing. Here are 5 different paper types explained along with techniques that work well on each.
5 Tips For Drawing Realistic Fur With Colored Pencils
It can be overwhelming to figure out how to draw realistic fur with colored pencils. Cut through the noise with these 5 simple tips to improve your animal drawings.
10 Tips to Tackle Imposter Syndrome
Most artists struggle with feelings of self-doubt or imposter syndrome. Here are 10 tips on how to give those feelings the boot.
5 Famous Creatives Who Struggled With Imposter Syndrome or Self-Doubt
Many famous artists and other high achievers have struggled with imposter syndrome. Here are a few stories of self doubt.
What Is Artist Imposter Syndrome and What Are the Causes?
Quite a few artists say they struggle with imposter syndrome. This blog tackles the definition and the possible causes.